11 Station Road, Upminster planning appeal upheald
A great deal of local interest was raised at a Planning application for an 82-bedroom hotel at the former Time Tees Cars site in Station Road, Upminster (see our previous post in January 2023) .
In support of residents’ concerns, Upminster Councillors called in the application citing issues which included the height and scale of the development, the lack of consideration given to parking facilities for guests, concerns over access to natural light, and sustainability matters.
The Council’s Planning Department refused permission, but this decision has now been overturned on appeal by the Government’s Planning Inspectorate, who deemed the planned building to be of an acceptable character and appearance for the area. The development can therefore go ahead substantially as originally planned, but subject to some conditions around construction arrangements, sustainability, hours of activity, travel planning and some other practical matters.
Councillor Oscar Ford said “It is important that concerns of residents are taken into account when Planning Applications are made. On this occasion Havering’s Planning Department agreed with those concerns but a higher power, in the form of the Government’s Inspectorate, did not uphold that view and granted the appeal”.
To view the full appeal decision, visit Havering Council’s Planning webpage for 11 Station Road Upminster P1585.22 .
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