A Big Welcome from Diabetes UK- Havering Group
Meetings are held at North Street Halls ,24 North Street, Hornchurch – Opposite Iceland RM11 1QX . Normally on the third Monday of each month (except for August and January) at 8PM
At our 17th September 2018 meeting we are pleased to have two speakers, Mrs Lisa Moore – Lead Diabetes Specialist Nurse and Mrs. Nisha Khemka, from the local Diabetes Specialist Services.
We have our own website which includes our whole list of events for the year, plus lots of valuable information for your attention. The link is as follows http://havering.diabetesukgroup.org/
For more details please contact our secretary Ann on 01708 -935779, she will be more than happy to assist you with your enquiry.
Everyone is Welcome at our group. If you are a diabetes sufferer it is well worth coming to our meetings, we can provide the support you need.
Our group has now been established for more than 39 years. We have a speaker every month on a medical subject and you can really get some good advice .
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