What are Your Chances of Being a Victim of Crime?
The Office of National Statistics have developed a ‘Crime Risk Calculator’ to assess your personal risk of falling victim to crime. The tool uses national crime statistics, addresses and personal characteristics to tell you what’s happened to people similar to you in the last year in comparison with an England average. For example – a male living in Upminster, aged 30-59, is a home owner and in paid employment is among the 20% least deprived areas in the country. The risk of ‘Upminster Man’ falling victim to robbery is 0.8% (England average 1.0%), Violence is 1.5% (England average 1.7%), burglary 2.1% (England average 2.4%) and criminal damage 3.1% (England average 3.7%), however ‘Upminster Man’ is more likely to be subject to vehicle crime (4.1%) than the England average of 3.0%!
The exercise only takes a moment to complete and does not require your name or any other sensitive information. The tool can be accessed at RISK CALCULATOR
Although used as a rough guide, my concern is that it doesn’t include scamming and/or cyber crime, which is a big omission, and is the fastest growing rate of crime in the UK.
Cllr Clarence Barrett
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