Chapman’s Farm – Application for Nine Houses now Received
A planning application (P1673.18) has now been lodged with the Council for the demolition of the existing livery yard and the erection of nine dwellings, made up of 4 x 3-bedroom, 3 x 4-bedroom and 2 x 5-bedroom units at Chapman’s Farm, Hall Lane, Upminster.
Letters will be sent out to households in the vicinity advising of the application and giving details of where and how to object/comment. This triggers the 21-day consultation period in which to respond (deadline to be confirmed, but around 10th December). However, objections/comments can be made by anyone, as set out below:
The full application and associated plans, along with a facility to lodge an objection or any other comment, can be accessed at the following link –
Chapman’s Farm Planning Application
Please take time to read through the documents and plans. It is important that objections should relate to ‘planning considerations’ which link directly to the application (rather than a general disapproval).
For example, the following areas are valid planning considerations:
- Impact on Green Belt
- Loss of light or overshadowing
- Overlooking/loss of privacy
- Visual amenity
- Adequacy of parking/loading/turning
- Highway safety
- Traffic generation
- Noise and disturbance resulting from use
- Loss of trees
- Effect on listed building and conservation area
- Layout and density of building (bulk/height/mass)
- Design, appearance and materials
- Landscaping
- Road access
- Impact on wildlife (eg bats)
- Nature conservation
The following areas are not valid planning considerations:
- The perceived loss of property value
- The loss of a view
- The impact of construction work or competition between firms
- Restrictive covenants
- Personal views about the applicant
The Upminster & Cranham Residents’ Association share the concerns of many residents about this development on Green Belt land and will keep residents updated in the following way:
- We shall undertake a leaflet drop in the wider area to alert residents
- It will be featured in the December Bulletin
- Regular updates via our website and social media
- A public meeting will be organised to assist and inform residents
Once the public consultation period is finished, the planning team will consider all comments and objections which will feed into a detailed report. This will then be considered by the Council’s Planning Committee in early 2019 who make the final decision.
We shall continue to keep you updated on this important issue.
I do feel concern with regard to loosing yet more green belt land. Whilst we are in need of housing this is unlikely to be the type of housing in demand it will likely be prestigous expensive housing destroying wildlife habitat to the benefit of developer
I agree entirely and the extra traffic it will cause into Upminster itself which is already a problem. As has been mentioned these proposed dwellings will mot be of those in great demand but of the most expensive.