Chapman’s Farm – Planning appeal lodged
A planning application P1673.18 at Chapmans Farm, Hall Lane, proposing the “demolition of existing livery yard buildings and the erection of nine houses, comprising of 4 x 3-bedroom, 3 x 4-bedrorom and 2 x 5-bedroom with landscaping, was recently refused by Havering Council’s Planning Department.
The were a number of grounds stated for this, including: The rigid layout, substantial suburban incursion, harm to the Green Belt, visually intrusive in the street scene and surrounding area, the inherent altered character of the site which is not residential but in a rural setting, urbanisation of the site and vehicular and pedestrian access where safety would be impeded.
An appeal against this ruling has now been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate (ref. APP/B5480/W/20/3246481). If you submitted an objection to the planning application, your original letter will be taken into consideration and you will not be require to re-submit. However, if you would like to modify your previous submission or you would now like to submit a letter, you can post three copies of your letter to: The Planning Inspectorate, 3M, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN.
Alternatively you can submit comments on the Planning Portal at: or via email to . The deadline for submissions is the 06 April 2020.
Please note that this appeal is separate to a second current planning application for the site P1883.19 .
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