Cranham Councillors’ drop-in session dates
Do you have any problems with Council services in the Cranham Ward?
Your Cranham Ward Councillors can be contacted throughout the year but if you want to talk to them in person you can meet them at one of their drop-in sessions.
They will be changing the day of their drop in sessions to the first Wednesday of every month, from 11am-12 noon at Cafe 4 You, Front Lane, Cranham (below Cranham Social Hall). No sessions will take place in August 2023 or January 2024.
The dates for the remainder of 2023 are below –
- 03 May
- 07 June
- 05 July
- 06 September
- 04 October
- 01 November
Are there any drop-in sessions scheduled for the remainder of this year 2024? I can’t seem to find any details. Thanks.
Dear Karen,
They are no longer held, as very few people ever attended. However, if your enquiry is about the proposed Data Centre, then this is in Upminster Ward and so you need to speak to the councillors for there. Their contact details (including telephone numbers) are available via .
Cllr John Tyler