Freedom Pass Renewal – Correction re February Bulletin article

With regard to the article on page 11 of the current (Feb 2020) edition of The Bulletin concerning Freedom Pass Renewal, we have discovered that some of the information is unfortunately incorrect. We believe this was caused by London Councils (who run the Freedom Pass scheme in London) changing the advice given on their website after the article was written.

For the correct information provided on the London Councils website regarding OLDER Person’s Freedom Pass renewal see .

For the correct information provided on the London Councils website regarding DISABLED Persons Freedom Pass renewal see .

A correction will appear in the March edition of The Bulletin. Our apologies for any confusion caused.

  1. I have received a renewed pass, without applying for it…assume that will happen to others too.

    • It all depends on what type of pass you have. The information available via the web links explains which is which.

      Cllr John Tyler

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