Funding Secured for Road and Transport Network
Havering Council has provisionally secured £3.4m of funding from Transport for London to undertake road and transport works over the coming year.
The annual funding cycle is subject to strict criteria laid down by Transport for London and must fit in with the priorities set out by the Mayor of London.
Included in the funding package are speed reduction changes in rural areas, making a no entry into Bird Lane from the A127, pedestrian refuge in Ockendon Road near Sunnings Lane, road resurfacing of principal roads (eg bus routes), improving air quality and school cycling safety training.
The various schemes will be subject to public consultation prior to the commencement of works.
will this include making the pavements repaired and safe?
TfL funding is not usually given for general repair work to pavements I’m afraid. There is sometimes funding available for new paving in shopping parades, but this is few and far between.