Gateway to Dury Falls and Updates

DF green

Dury Falls Green

df bin

Litter bins at either end of alleyway

df alley

Alleyway cleared by Network Rail and the Council

lee gdns avenue

Extended parking restrictions to deter blockages

The refreshed green at the gateway into Dury Falls has certainly improved the environmental character of the area and, along with a new litter bin, makes the drive into and out of the estate all the more pleasant.

Councillors Clarence Barrett and Gillian Ford have been working with the Council, local residents and Garry Procter (Dury Falls resident and Chairman of the Cranham Residents’ Association) to bring about improvements.

  • We have liaised with Network Rail who have now cleared much of the rubbish and overhanging vegetation by the pathway linking Upminster Station to Dury Falls
  • We have installed litter bins at each end of the alleyway to discourage littering and provide a safe place to dispose of doggie waste
  • We have also worked with the Council and nearby residents to cut back the foliage on the other side of the alley way
  • Double yellow lines will be extended along Lee Gardens Avenue to tackle the ongoing issue of parked vehicles blocking motorists entering or leaving the estate

There is, of course, much more we need to do and, given the very tight budgets available, we will make sure Cranham and Dury Falls are well represented in funding allocations.

Cllr Clarence Barrett, Cllr Gillian Ford & Garry Procter

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