Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order application withdrawn

With reference to our previous post concerning the Development Consent Order process for the proposed Lower Thames Crossing, Highways England have announced today that they have withdrawn their recent application. The full text of their announcement reads as follows –

A Highways England spokesperson said: “We’ve withdrawn the Development Consent Order application for the Lower Thames Crossing based on early feedback we’ve had from the Planning Inspectorate. We will take time to collate the information required for the specific points raised and will be resubmitting the application early in the new year.”

For further information on the Lower Thames Crossing proposals, visit the Highways England LTC website.

  1. Why was the application withdrawn? Had objections already been raised?

  2. Highways England have not released further details at present. It is likely that the Planning Inspectorate had indicated to Highways England that they were not satisfied that all of the requirements had been complied with prior to the submission of the application.

    Cllr John Tyler

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