Men’s Shed

The Men’s Shed based in Upminster Baptist Church, Springfield Gardens Upminster, is a workspace where men can work on practical projects or follow hobbies with others. Men are welcome from anywhere in Havering. Perhaps you live alone and are looking for something practical to do and want to meet up with others.

The idea draws on the successful Men’s Shed movement first established in Australia where over 900 Sheds have formed in just over a decade. It is part of a growing movement in the UK which now has two new Sheds opening every week.

The Upminster Men’s Shed is equipped with tools and materials donated by the public and local Rotary Club. It is mainly set up for woodworking, however anything is possible. The group are currently looking for projectopportunities, suggestions and would welcome donations to develop and expand the group further.

The shed is run by the members who decide when the shed opens, which at present is open every Tuesday morning 9.00am -12.30pm. It is hoped they can open more frequently as membership expands.

If you are interested in the work of the group and would like to have an informal chat or would like to make a donation of tools or materials, contact John Connor on 01708 228902,

Councillor Gillian Ford

  1. I used to come to the Upminster Men’s Shed prior to the pandemic, and I am interested in coming to it again in relation to a project I am working on. Could you please tell me when its opening days and times are?

    Many thanks

  2. Dear Steve,

    For details, please e-mail the Men’s Shed direct via .

    Kind regards

    Cllr John Tyler

  3. Is it for all ages as I am 38

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