Mini Golf development – Update re current issues with mud

Many residents will know that full development of the former mini golf site in Hall Lane has begun. Unfortunately, this has quickly led to much of this part of Hall Lane being covered in mud.

Cranham Ward councillors became aware of this as soon as it occurred and have been in contact with Havering Council over the weekend. We issued the following information on Saturday afternoon (01 April 2023) –

‘You will have seen that the works have now started on the pitch and putt site. You may also have seen the long train of vehicles parked up on the pavement, blocking the public highway creating transport movement problems, and the mud that has been transported off of the site, into the road and along the road –

The Chief Executive was contacted at 8.30am this morning. The following is the response received:

“We have been in touch with the agent we sold through, who contacted Abbey Homes who have said they will act on the information.”

Concerns have also been sent in about the potential for the mud to block the drains along that particular stretch of the road. Part of the conditions of development is wheel cleaning which should take place on site, and the clearance of the high-street. To date this does not appear to the case, and we need to ensure no further works take place until such measures are put into place.

Hopefully we will see a change in practice and the clearance of the road by the developers/owners of the site.’

Ward councillors will continue to monitor the situation and report any further problems.

  1. Can you let me know the situation on abbey homes erecting a 6 foot wooden fence about 10‘15‘ away from my home fence ,who is going to maintain the trees in between the two fences. The 6’ wire fences up against the gate have been in peoples back gardens for at least 22 years that I know of, with the gate, we could control all the weeds, but you can’t now,the council used to maintained the trees in the past, then stopped down to cost-cutting ,so I’d like to know who’s going to maintain the trees in no man’s land

    • Dear Mr Stocks – The Cranham Ward councillors will look into this and reply to you direct.

      Kind regards

      Cllr John Tyler

  2. April 1st it was mentioned that no further works will be allowed to start until a wheel washing system is put in place we are now in October and still nothing in place

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