Multiple Visits to Gerpins Lane – Update & Advice

Gerpins Lane

There is now a system in place at all East London Waste Authority (ELWA) sites (Havering [Gerpins Lane], Redbridge, Barking & Dagenham and Newham) whereby those customers considered to be visiting the site on a frequent basis (more than 7 occasions in a rolling month) are flagged up on the system and handed a letter on their next visit.  This increased gate check is primarily to prevent council tax payers from having to foot the bill for trade waste and large amounts of restricted waste entering the site.  The scheme is not designed to prevent genuine customers from accessing the site.

For more frequent visits (in excess of 7 per month) customers are asked to visit and fill in the form.  The team will then get in touch either by phone or email to either confirm continued access or to request more information.

Customers without internet access are advised to call 01708 434343 where details will be taken down and passed on to ELWA.


  1. Sorry to say this will increase fly tipping. The system needs to be reviewed.

  2. Surely this will increase the amount of fly-tipping!

  3. I was told I was visiting the site too frequently and when I phoned the council is was told that seven times a month was permitted.
    When I queried the “restricted” items on the leaflet I’d been given I asked about hardcore citing a case of a few house bricks only to be told that a single house brick would need to have the permit applied for.
    How stupid is that!

  4. And everyone wonders why fly tipping is on the increase

    Obviously councils up and down the country have more money than sense

  5. I was handed a STAGE 1 LETTER today as apparently I’m flagged as a frequent visitor. Forgive for trying to keep a tidy garden and house and occasionally carrying out small diy projects. I agree with fellow commenters fly tipping will undoubtedly increase because those who abuse the right to deposit trade waste will just abuse the local lanes and surrounding area with flytipping. As usual it’s the residents that will pay one way or another. By the way my application to use the site has been granted but only until the 15th October 2018 and woe betide me if I visit more that 7 times a month after that!

  6. I agree with the statements that the system will increase fly tipping.
    The letter I was handed stated the RRC’s are provided Free to residents, I disagree with this statement as a Council Tax Payer and Income Taxpayer, I think the residence pay enough and should be allowed to use the system without requiring authorisation, the employees on the gate should decide whether it is household or building material, not someone in an office.
    Typical waste of effort and money by this Mayor of London.
    Well Done Sadiq.

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