New Parking Charges start Monday 03 June

Havering Council have announced that the new parking charges across the borough will come into effect on Monday 03 June. This will include ending the free 30-minute parking in Upminster and Hornchurch and the low tariffs in the New Windmill Hall car park (serving Upminster Park).

A full list of the new charges is not currently shown on the council’s website but should be available in the near future via this link.

The Upminster and Cranham Residents’ Association (UCRA) is totally opposed these new charges, as our high streets need as much help as possible to thrive in difficult times. All UCRA councillors voted against their introduction in the Havering Council’s Budget Setting Meeting in February.

Unfortunately, all of the Borough’s Conservative councillors and the three Harold Wood independent councillors voted to bring them in.

  1. That’s the end of our high streets and local shopping areas.
    I’m sure if they’d brought back the 50p for 1 hour and £1.50 for up to 2 hours they would have made far more money. But they obviously just want to make the shortfall by fining shoppers who have overstayed.
    We’ll just be shopping at Lidl, Tesco’s and Lakeside. Unless Aldi in Upminster want to cover our parking charges if we ever shop there again.

  2. So not only is Upminster becoming a Ghost town with the advent of the further hike in Car park charges , what will the “spin doctors” at the council think of next ? charges for walking on the pavements or a charge for entering your favourite shop ? its absolutely terrible and demoralising to the people who frequent the high street on a daily basis that we cannot park for free in order to use our local high street and all its services … God only knows what it will do to the poor shopkeepers. Surely something can and must be done now in order to let our community survive in such tough times .

    • Hello Mark,

      Thank you for your comment.

      Please be assured that the Upminster and Cranham Residents’ Association councillors are doing everything we can within the council to reverse this policy. At the moment we do not have a majority but lobbying of all Conservative councillors and the three independent councillors for Harold Wood (who all voted to bring this in) by legitimate means is welcome, as adverse public opinion resulted in previous parking increases being reversed several years ago.

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