New Planning Application for Chapmans Farm, Hall Lane

Residents will remember that a planning application (P1673.18) for nine houses on the site of Chapmans Farms, Hall Lane was refused last Autumn.

A new planning application has just been submitted (P1883.19) at the same location, for a ‘Change of use from commercial livery yard (Sui Generis) to Use Class B1(Business)’. This would involve using the existing buildings but allow a greater variety of commercial uses. The application suggests that the type of uses likely would be artist’s studio, office space, light manufacturing operations, workshops or architects studio.

The documents submitted as part of the planning application can be viewed via this link. You can submit comments either online via the same link or to the following address – Planning Department, Mercury House, Mercury Gardens, Romford RM1 3SL. The final date for the Planning Department to receive comments is not shown at present but will not be before 21 January 2020.

We will keep you updated with any further developments regarding this application.

  1. This development would do no more than line the pockets of people who have no genuine interest in the protection of this area.
    It is also a dangerous site for current traffic levels to use and would significantly increase hazards to all users of that busy road junction.
    Numerous accidents already occur there, and this development would only bring about an increase.
    It has no merits for this site.

  2. What ever they (DEVElOPERS) apply for REFUSE REFUSE REFUSE!!!! WHY??? it may create A precedent by which they would build on and eventually build all over our precious GREEN BELT NO NO NO !!!!

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