1. It was heartening to read in this month’s Bulletin that Planning Permission for the proposed development in St. Marys Lane had been refused by the Council on the grounds that it “would have a harmful impact on the character and appearance of the Green Belt by taking 0.6ha (1.48 ACRES) of open space which is open and rural in character and introducing forms of development which would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the Green Belt and reduce the openness”

    However, in the same week the RA controlled Council have been exulting the virtues of the proposed London Data Freeport, to be located just off of St. Marys Lane on the B186.

    This will destroy 161ha (400 ACRES) of Greenbelt and Agricultural Land and despite the ridiculous Greenwashing claims, devastate the local environment during construction and subsequent operation.

    Access to the planned Data Park would also be totally inadequate, as the current traffic problems on the B186 are clearly and painfully highlighting.

    It would be good to get a consistent view from the Councillors on the obvious contradictions of the Council’s approach to these two planned ventures.

    • Dear Gary,

      Thank you for your comments. Any proposed development on land that is designated as Green Belt must demonstrate that there are special circumstances if Planning Permission is to be granted. The St.Mary’s Lane application failed to make that special case and was therefore rejected. This requirement will also be placed on the Data Centre proposal. The proposal is quite unique in nature, and there are significant pro’s and con’s to be weighed up. As such, it needs to be given full and careful consideration by the Council. Your local Councillors do understand that this would be a contentious development, and will press to ensure that there is proper engagement with the community so that all views can be captured and taken into account.

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