Pre-Application Presentation re Rainham Quarry proposals

With reference to our previous posts concerning a proposal by Brett Aggregates to establish a quarry at the junction of Hacton Lane and Berwick Pond Road, Upminster Councillors attended Havering Council’s Strategic Planning Committee meeting on the 07 December 2023, to hear the developing proposals from the company.

This was a pre-application meeting, so no decisions were made, but following a presentation on the proposals Members were able to ask questions and seek clarification on various points.

Key discussion points were around traffic movements, highway maintenance, road safety, operating times, noise attenuation, air quality, flood risk, and duration; in particular the extended use (20 years) of the Warwick Road site in Rainham.

It was clear that several of the concerns that had been raised in a previous consultation had informed changes to the proposals, and further information and clarification was sought by the Committee. Of particular relevance, the proposed traffic routing has now changed and a majority of the HGV lorries would be using Berwick Pond Road rather than Park Farm Road.

Following the pre-application stage, it is expected that a fully developed application will be brought to the Strategic Planning Committee for a decision. Once a formal application is made, residents will be able to submit their comments. Your local Councillors will also be lodging comments regarding the application.

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