Public toilets in Corbets Tey Road – Temporary closure

Residents’ Association councillors have been informed that the public toilets in Corbets Tey Road, next to the library, are presently out of service due to an incident of vandalism. Havering Council will re-open them as soon as the necessary repair works have been carried out.


  1. Kindly note both sets of toilets are out of action sadly due to vandalism.
    Council Officers have inspected .
    We have asked the Council when they believe they will be open..

    Councillor Ron Ower

  2. Sadly both Gents and Ladies toilets were vandalised again yesterday.
    This has been reported to the Council.
    We will keep you informed.
    Councillor Ron Ower

  3. Gents open..Council being chased again and again on the ladies.
    We will keep you informed .

  4. Kindly note both toilets now open.

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