Rainham Quarry proposal update

With reference to our previous post concerning a proposal to establish a quarry to the immediate south-west of the junction of Hacton Lane and Berwick Pond Road in Upminster, your local Residents’ Association Councillors attended a pre application consultation event held by the Canterbury based company, Brett, at Hacton Hall, Haydock Close, Hornchurch, at the beginning of October.

At the meeting, we asked why local Councillors were not told of the proposals directly, but had received information from local residents. We received an apology, rather than an explanation.

More importantly, we were very concerned about the proposal. Situated in Berwick Pond Road, just pass the T junction, it would have a devastating effect on the residents who live in local roads, with possibly 96 lorries per day leaving the site and driving down Berwick Pond Road, towards Rainham. There is talk about making this road one way.

We do not need to tell readers about the pollution, noise, and danger this would cause. The proposed operation hours are 7am to 6pm weekdays and 7am to 1pm on Saturdays – which would last for 20 years and have to be floodlit.

We will keep you informed of further developments as they happen.

Cllr Chris WILKINS

  1. I was made aware of this via the nextdoor website. was very shocked

    seems to be very backdoor hoping we would not notice. i expect the 96 lorries a year is just a place holder so when they reduce it to 60 they hope it will get through

    the noise, dust, light pollution would be completely out of place and also on green belt i expect. so after 20years another 10 as a stinking land fill site

    i have raised my concerns with Julia lopez, our MP who i would not be surprised has missed this also

  2. I have only found out about this now, 5th November 2022
    How can I protest and support against it?

    • Dear Paulina,

      The proposal has not yet reached the stage of a planning application being submitted. There will be the opportunity for people to give their views at that point, if not before. We will keep residents updated on any news on this website and in the Bulletin.

      Cllr John Tyler

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