Residents’ Association Cranham Ward meetings

The Cranham Residents’ Association have held monthly evening Ward meetings for many years. Guest speakers have included local historians, local charities, council officers, health professionals and the local bus company. This was also an opportunity to speak to the Cranham Safer Neighbourhood Police team and your Cranham Ward Councillors.

Times have changed and people have many other commitments and channels where they can get local information and access to the police and Ward Councillors. Our Cafe4You drop-in sessions are becoming so popular that less people are coming along to the Ward meetings. We have therefore taken the decision to bring this piece of history to a close, with July being the last Cranham Ward meeting. We are however, still available via email and telephone and drop in sessions held in Cafe4You, Front Lane on the third Thursday of every month between 11:00-12:00.

We will also be developing more targeted meetings on specific issues, for example Upminster Pitch & Putt and more recently a meeting with the residents of Chipperfield Close. We do hope you have found the Ward meetings of value over the years, but we recognise the need to move with the times and would welcome your views on a possible evening hour long drop in session, for those of you who work.

If you would like to contact any of your local Upminster and Cranham Residents’ Association councillors, please fill out a contact form.

Cranham Ward Chair and Cranham Ward Councillors


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