The Dementia Music and Social Club

The Dementia Music and Social Club is a fun and friendly group for people living with dementia and their carers.

The club meets every Monday (except Bank Holidays), from 1-3pm at St John’s Church, South End Road, Rainham, RM13 7XT, and every Wednesday from 1.30–3.30pm at the United Reformed Church, 58-60 Western Road, Romford, RM1 3LP.

There is a professional entertainer, singalong, quiz and free raffle. You can join in with the singing and dancing, or just sit back and enjoy the music with a cuppa and good company.

Anyone who has been diagnosed with dementia can attend, but you must be accompanied by a relative, friend or carer. New members are very welcome. The cost is £5 per person, per session, including refreshments, but your first session is free.

If you’re interested, please contact Lisa on 07721 458 581 or email . More information can be found at .


  1. Would you be able to help me looking for a group like yours but closer to me which is Brentwood Basildon areas.

    Suzanne Dalton

    • Dear Suzanne,

      The Upminster and Cranham Residents’ Association do not have any further information. Please contact the Dementia Music and Social Club direct via the details shown on the above post.

      Cllr John Tyler

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