Update on M25 noise
We received a great deal of feedback from residents following the earlier Bulletin articles on increased noise from the M25. Cllr John Tyler been in contact with National Highways, who are responsible for the M25. They recently informed him that –
‘We appreciate that noise from vehicles using the motorway affects people’s peace and comfort, as well as posing risks to their health and well-being. We now install noise mitigation measures as standard on our road schemes. (We have) …plans to do further resurfacing during this summer 2022 between junctions 27 and 30 at various locations. Regarding the southbound/clockwise carriageway on the M25 between junctions 29 and 30, there are further overnight resurfacing works planned from 18 July to 8 August 2022….Better surfaces will …help to reduce noise for many years to come. Please note these works are subject to change due to circumstances outside of our control, such as weather or incidents on our network, which means that our resources need to be deployed elsewhere.’
Whilst the resurfacing will hopefully have a positive effect, it will obviously not be the whole solution. We will continue to liaise with National Highways regarding further measures that can be introduced to reduce noise and pollution.
I am not so much troubled by the noise of traffic on the M25 and A127, but more by the constant and ever increasing noise from planes flying over the area.
During lockdown the skies were peaceful, but now the constant drone from large jets and smaller private planes is getting beyond a joke!
One day recently, when vapour trails were visible, I counted 15 jets criss crossing the sky above my garden!
No sooner does one jet pass by than another two or three appear!
And now I have just read your article saying that London City airport is aiming to increase the amount of flights!
Totally agree with you Vicky! 😩
If the promised ‘noise mitigation measures’,including tree planting, had been delivered on by National Highways when the M25 was originally constructed, then it would not be so noisy now.
The proposed LTC will considerably increase the Noise, Air and Light Pollution in this area and we are still hearing the same empty promises.