Council Tax Agreed for 2017/18
Havering Council met yesterday (22/2/17) to set the budget for 2017/18 along with a Council Tax increase of 3.5%, which includes a 2% precept ringfenced for Adult Social Care.
With central government grant reducing from £21m this year to £1.4m by 2019/20, coupled with greatly increased costs associated with Adult Social Care, Children’s Services and Housing, the 2017/18 budget will need to include an additional £5m to support these specific services. Also, a further £1.3m will need to be found to pay for our waste disposal levy.
Although £11m of savings have been found for 2017/18, it includes some difficult choices. For example, to maintain the 30-minute free parking period, longer stay charges will need to increase.
As council budgets continue to decline we need to make sure that the money we do spend is done so wisely and in line with the priorities of the community. We have worked very hard to produce a balanced budget for 2017/18 that provides a decent and affordable service to our residents whilst ensuring our more vulnerable people get the care and support they deserve.
However, maintaining investment in our roads, schools and heritage are all incredibly important, for example we will see the Tithe Barn Roof repaired, improvements to libraries and allotments along with £2m set aside for Highway repairs and Street Lighting.
Across local government in general, the average increase is set to be 4.99%, with one council (Surrey CC) even contemplating a 15% rise before pulling back to 4.99%.
The full agenda for the Council Tax Meeting can be found HERE.
Always a difficult issue, but happy to answer any questions or queries from residents.
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