Havering Local Plan Update
The proposed new Havering Local Plan is currently undergoing an independent Examination in Public (EIP) following its submission to the Government in March 2018. The initial examination hearings ran between 9th and 18th October 2018.
At the end of the October sessions, the inspector concluded she wished to pause the process to allow additional work to be competed on a number of matters. This work has now been submitted to the Inspector and she has set dates for the examination to be reconvened on 29th and 30th May 2019, starting at 10am on each day at the Town Hall, Main Road, Romford.
To support the reconvened Examination, the inspector has sent through the four issues and matters that she would like to discuss at the EIP in May.
· Matter 2 – Spatial Strategy
· Matter 3 – Housing (including affordable housing and specialist housing)
· Matter 4 – Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation
· Matter 8 – Connections (Policy 24 – Parking)
After the new hearing sessions, the Inspector will provide the Council with an initial report on the Local Plan and the Examination hearings and she will make recommendations to the Council about modifications to the Draft Local Plan, which will then need to go out consultation.
Once the consultation has finished, the Inspector will present her findings and recommendations on the examination in a final report. If the Inspector finds the Local Plan sound and legally compliant, it will proceed to formal adoption.
Further detailed information can be found on the Council’s website.
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