Kerry Drive Planning Application – ‘Call-in’ by Cranham Councillors

Following the recent well attended public meeting, held by Cranham’s Residents’ Association councillors, yesterday (26 November) we officially informed the Local Planning Authority (LPA), Havering Council, that the three Cranham Councillors are conditionally ‘Calling-in’ the planning application for development of up to 98 houses and flats on Green Belt land south of Kerry Drive, Cranham.

This means that should the LPA consider granting planning permission for the application then it will automatically go before the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)  for a decision, rather than being decided by Council Officers.

However, should the LPA consider refusing planning permission, then it will not need to go before the SPC but will automatically be refused.

You can view full details of the application and submit comments at quoting P1687.19 or via this link. Alternatively, you can post comments to: Planning Department, Mercury House, Mercury Gardens, Romford RM1 3SL. Submissions need to be in to the local authority by 06 December 2019.

The reasons we have given for the ‘Call-in’ are listed below. Some of these reasons could be used if you wish to object to the application but all comments should be individually worded and not copied and pasted, otherwise they may not be considered separately by the LPA.

‘P1687.19 – The development of up to 98 dwellings with Association landscaping, open space and infrastructure, with vehicular access from Kerry Drive.

The three Cranham Councillors are calling in the above application on the following grounds:

*The land is Green Belt

*No valid or justifiable grounds for special circumstances to permit development on the green belt.

*Potential for over development in the area

*Increased vehicular traffic and impact on narrow roads.

*Increased light pollution

*Flats not in keeping with the local area

*Increased Nitrogen dioxide and particulate levels

*Impact on local infrastructure – Schools and GP’s

*Potential loss of at least 9 trees with TPO’s

*No consideration has been given to the eco-system of the site and the natural development of forest/wood like growth

*Potential loss of the natural environment and habitats, feeding grounds of local wildlife.

*Failure to address inequalities within applicants reports.

*The application does not meet passive house standards.

*Lack of trust in submitted reports, two reports quote the site as being ‘480m east of Cranfield’. Cranfield is a Village in Bedfordshire, so clearly a cut and paste. How much more is incorrect?

If officers are mindful to refuse the application, we are happy for them to do so under officers delegated powers.

Kind regards

Councillor Gillian Ford, Councillor John Tyler, Councillor Linda Ven den Hende

Cranham Ward


1 Comment
  1. This is green belt area NOT for building on
    More pollution
    We need more trees not buildings

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