Landlord Licensing Scheme Proposals
Havering council have begun a consultation, looking at a proposal to extend the Landlord Licensing Scheme from the current 12 wards and roll it out to the remaining six wards in the borough, Cranham, Upminster, Emerson Park, Hacton, Hylands and St Andrew’s.
The proposals will also consider looking at introducing a selective licensing scheme to cover single family properties in Romford Town Centre and Brooklands wards only.
The scheme was set up last year to look at regulating local housing in multiple occupancy [HMOs]. It requires private landlords of HMOs to apply for a licence. The scheme was introduced to tackle the poor management of private rented homes, overcrowding and anti-social behaviour.
For further infomation and to submit your views use the online link. Alternatively, you can contact Sasha Taylor on 01708 432 777.
The closing date for the consultation is 20 September 2019.
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