Lower Thames Crossing consultation – Cranham Ward councillors analysis
Residents’ Association councillors for both Cranham and Upminster wards have been analysing the documents for the current Lower Thames Crossing Public Consultation. We have also been liaising with officials from Havering Council regarding their response, to ensure that our thoughts and concerns are recognised in their own submission to the consultation.
Cranham councillors have produced a draft document, showing a summary of the points they have identified that relate specifically to Cranham Ward. This includes ‘Advanced Actions’, that we would want undertaken before any works commence on the new road. These, and the points raised by Upminster Ward councillors, will be included in our formal submission to Highways England.
To view the Cranham Ward draft document please use the following link – Lower Thames Crossing (Cranham – July 21)
The path along the A127 from the M25 needs to be extended along Front Lane to provide a safe crossing. At present this path ends at a point where it is not possible to see both along Front Lane and the A127 at the same time.
Note. This is not specifically related to the LTC, it is unsafe now.
Dear Philip,
I will reply to you direct regarding the point you have raised.
Kind regards
Cllr John Tyler
What this does not fully cover are the hugely destructive short, medium and long term impacts on the local area and wider Environment, which will be devastating:
Significantly increased local traffic congestion and disruption during the 6 years of construction and beyond.
Ockendon Road permanently closed for 2 years and repeated short term closures in St. Mary’s Lane, with major diversions to traffic and bus services.
Thames Chase Community Woodland being bulldozed through.
Cranham Solar Farm demolished.
Over 5 million tonnes of Carbon Emissions in construction alone, in spite of constant warnings on Climate Catastrophe and Government promises to address.
£8.2 Billion of Public Funds (at least). Surely taxpayers money would be better spent on The NHS, Food Poverty, repairing the roads we already have etc. etc.
All for a road we would actually have to pay to use!
Upminster Ward is central to this massive Road building folly, as this is where National Highways intend to build a junction between the proposed new road and the M25 junction.
If you care about the area you live in and the wider Environment, then you may want to have your say before the LTC Consultation period closes on 8th September 2021.
Pick The Planet.
Dear Gary,
You have made important points. However, I would reiterate to readers that this post relates to Cranham Ward only. The locations you have mentioned are within Upminster Ward, whose councillors are currently still considering their response.
Cllr John Tyler
Hi John,
I do appreciate that but sadly the destruction and disruption will not stop at the Upminster / Cranham boundary and the permanent Environmental damage will extend way beyond both Wards.
We should all be concerned by the wider impacts.
It will be interesting to hear what the Upminster Councillors views are.