Lower Thames Crossing update

Message from Highways England

As you may know, earlier this year the government announced the preferred route for the Lower Thames Crossing. This new crossing of the Thames comprises a tunnel located east of Gravesend and Tilbury and link roads to the M25 and A2. This will be an important new road offering new connections and better journeys for all road users. It will unlock the area’s economic potential and give better access to jobs, leisure and retail facilities.

Since the announcement, we have been gathering information and carrying out a range of assessments and surveys to help us better understand the area. The feedback given during the consultation in 2016 continues to help us to develop the design of the route and as a result, we have made some changes.

We are working to make sure the crossing improves journeys, creates opportunities for economic growth and minimises community and environmental impacts.
The enclosed leaflet provides an update on the proposed design of the route. We are still at an early stage of the process, and there is still a lot of work to be done on the design. During the consultation, that is planned to take place next year, you will have a further opportunity to have your say on the scheme’s development and to shape our proposals before we submit our application for a Development Consent Order.

For more information about the Lower Thames Crossing, visit our new webpages at www.lowerthamescrossing.co.uk. There you can register for email updates to get all the latest news about the project.

View the Update Leaflet HERE.

Yours sincerely,

Tim Jones

Project Director – Lower Thames Crossing Highways England

1 Comment
  1. Of course we could be really radical and build a much needed north-south rail link which would take some of the pressure off the existing roads.

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