Regeneration of land in Brunswick Avenue

Local residents in the Brunswick Avenue area of Cranham will know about a small patch of council owned land at the junction with Roseberry Gardens than has been left unkempt for many years.

Cllr John Tyler has been lobbying Havering Council over an extended period of time, for the land to be brightened up and turned into something that the community can see as an asset.

We are pleased to announce that the council have agreed to do this, with the work being undertaken by Mears, as part of their Social Value Projects.

The works will start next month (October 2023) and should only take a few days. They will be clearing the weeds and stripping it back to put down a membrane to prevent future growth and lay shingles on top, while also adding a bench and shrubs/flowers in the squares.

Thank you to Mears and to the council officers involved.

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