Residents’ Association Donations to Local Good Causes

The Upminster and Cranham Residents’ Association’s AGM was held last Monday (25th) in the main hall of Trinity Church in Upminster. One of the items highlighted was that donations totalling £12,198 were made by the Association to local good causes  in 2018.

This included around £1,500 to projects at local schools, £500 to youth organisations, £500 to church projects and £900 to local sports clubs. A total of £2,700 was also given towards improvements at two of our local community buildings, the New Windmill Hall and the Cranham Community Centre in Marlborough Gardens.

On the night, a cheque for £5,000 was presented to Mark Halls, the Chief Executive of First Step, a Havering charity dedicated to helping young children with special needs or disabilities and their families. To find out more about the valuable work they do visit their website.

We are proud that so much of the money raised by the Upminster and Cranham Residents’ Association goes to such deserving causes.

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