Upminster Parking Update
Further to our articles in the Bulletin on the introduction of additional parking measures in Upminster Ward, i.e. south of Upminster station, and following the ‘informal consultations’ during the summer, which had a huge response, the Highways Advisory Committee in November, agreed to conduct the formal consultation exercise on their proposals.
These include extending parking controls to the remaining Tree roads and South View Drive which are currently not controlled. The exception to this is Cedar Ave, which is the subject of consideration for a Public Space Protection Order given Branfil School is located there. In Stewart Ave the Council are proposing introducing double yellow lines on the south side of the road with the single yellow line remaining on the north side. In the roads north of St. Mary’s Lane and south of Upminster Station, i.e. Highview Gardens to part of Howard Road which includes Champion Road, Cranborne Gardens, Gaynes Road, Branfill Road, St. Lawrence Road, Garbutt Road and Aylett Road, the majority of residents were in favour of the introduction of Residents/visitors parking permits.
All residents in these roads will receive a letter from the council soon and given the Christmas break the consultation period will be four weeks instead of three, and this will constitute the formal consultation on the proposals. It is important that you respond to give the council your views.
We will keep you advised as usual on this.
Cllrs Linda Hawthorn, Ron Ower and Linda Van den Hende
Please consider how difficult it is to park in Upminster & provide extra DISABLED parking bays as there are not enough as it is.
Encouraging able bodied people to park further away or use bus services is one thing, but making it almost impossible for vulnerable people who NEED to park close to shops & amenties is unacceptable. When putting double yellow lines in, perhaps they could be left without kerb markings? This would allow disabled badge holders to park for a short time & encourage mobility.
I am writing with personal experience of these problems. I am a carer to my disabled husband & on some occasions recently we have failed to find parking close enough to the shops for him to walk, and gone home very dissappointed.
Please also consider extending the opening the Gaynes Road Car Park beyond 8pm. Ever since the Double Yellow Lines were painted in that area, the chance of finding a parking space has almost vanished. To make matters worse, traffic wardens regularly patrol the area and will issue a parking fine without hesitation. Where are those visiting Upminster in the evening supposed to park legally? Thanks
All parking in Upminster is a cash cow for the council,they ignore the wishes of the residents to appease the do gooders.
Why are the telescopic wardens still here?mistly blocking up a parking space.
The easiest way to make money is to persecute the motorist,without the outside visitors/shoppers Upminster would be desperate.
Just putting another side to this, the first half hour free for parking seems to be quite a welcome initiative.
As Chairman of The New Windmill Hall Community Association I despair at the thought of Cranbourne Gdns and Highview Gdns becoming residents’s parking only zones. If this action goes ahead the Hall will certainly lose members of old established groups who have been coming to the hall for years. Parking at the Hall has been severely affected by the cheapness of the parking charges, the daily use by the builders working at the Convent, the Mums on the school run and the arbitrary closure of the small car park purchased by McCarthy and Stone for their retirement apartments.
Being able to park in the above roads has given some of the elderly hall users a fighting chance of parking for an hour or two so they can enjoy their activities at the Hall but I know groups are losing members simply because they cannot park within walking distance. The hall has lost opportunities to hire facilities to the NCT and U3A due to lack of parking space. The New Windmill Hall is for the use of the community who are now, unfortunately , often not able to use it.
Complaints to the Council with regards to the cheapness of the parking ( ‘park’ car park rates) have fallen on deaf ears.
During the weekdays the park is virtually empty while the car park is full. Draw your own conclusions.
If we are going to be made to pay for permits will there be enough spaces for all permit holders ? Also who is then going to enforce this new restrictions ie stopping parents waiting for their children at coopers ? Surely if we are being made to pay this has to stop and also we currently have restrictions in place mon-sat 8:30-6:30 at the far end this will then change and then anyone can park on a Saturday causing even my parking problems
Please hurry for parking restrictions for acacia drive upminster people park here for the hole day and over part drives making it difficult to get in and out