Urban meadows in Upminster and Cranham

Havering Council have announced that they are to create urban meadows in various grass verges and parts of some open spaces across the borough. This is as a result of many councils, including Havering, stopping grass cutting for much of last summer due to the pandemic, and it being found that this encouraged wild plants and insects to thrive.

The council have identified seventeen areas, including Hall Lane (north of the junction with Avon Road) and the grassed verges in Litchfield Terrace and Westbury Terrace in Upminster. These areas will now have reduced grass cutting, to allow them to grow naturally.

Upminster and Cranham Residents’ Association councillors broadly welcome the idea in principle but will monitor the individual areas and listen to residents comments, to see whether they should be retained in the long-term. In particular, it is important to ensure that the extra growth will not adversely affect road and/or pedestrian safety in the areas concerned.

  1. Where is the evidence that lack of verge cutting increased insect life and flowers.

    Only passing traffic can see the ‘urban meadow’ in hall lane.

    Westbury and lichfield residents have not been consulted & have to look out on to the messs that is long & flattened grass with a few buttercups.

    I bought my house in Westbury Terrace 30 years ago, partly because it had a nice green swathe of well tended grass which was a pleasure to look at.

    Over the years the council have not maintained it to the same high standards and the cynic in me believes this is no more than a cost cutting exercise.

    Give us out grass verges back please.

    • Dear Stephen,

      Thank you for your comments. Your opinion mirrors many of the comments that Upminster Ward councillors have received regarding Westbury Terrace. I have passed on your views to the councillors, who will reply direct to you.

      Kind regards

      Cllr John Tyler

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