Clearstone Energy Battery Facility proposal
A battery storage facility is proposed to be located just inside the Upminster boundary, to the east side of Warley Street and in the field facing St. Mary’s Lane. I joined other residents on a Webinar by the company on 22 July 2024, where they described the increasing need for energy storage to support changes in demand through the day and night, as as we become more reliant on wind and solar. More information on the proposal can be found via .
The proposed location is currently farmland and designated Green Belt. If approved, the facility would have a 40-year lease, after which it was stated that the land would be returned to its current conditions but with the environmental improvements such as screening retained.
The proposal would represent a loss of Green Belt and farmland, it would impact on views from St. Mary’s Lane properties and would likely mean some disruption to traffic during the works to connect the facility to the Warley Sub Station via Clay Tye Road.
The company is undertaking a consultation period up to 16 August 2024, after which they will prepare their submission for a Planning Application. Councillors will keep an eye out for the application and will support residents who have comments on this, as and when it is submitted.
Councillor Oscar Ford
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