Hall Lane mini golf site – Cranham councillors call-in application

Regarding the former mini-golf site in Hall Lane and the current planning application P0112.22, (see also our previous post), Cranham Ward Residents’ Association councillors Gillian Ford, John Tyler and Linda Van den Hende, have jointly called-in the application on the following grounds:

  • This application is not in accordance with the adopted Local Plan and should therefore be refused. The updated Policies Map (North), published in November 2021, identifies this site as ‘Parks, Open Spaces, Playing Fields, and Allotments’ (Policy 18).
  • There is reduced open space at the east end of the development, compared to granted outline planning permission (P0248.19).
  • The proposed housing mix does not meet local needs i.e. 20 x 5-bed, 11 x 4-bed and 4 x 3-bed.
  • A comprehensive street lighting plan should be submitted, which takes in likely effect of any proposed trees, to meet relevant British Standards.
  • A planning condition should be included, requiring the development to be built to Secured by Design (SBD) standards.
  • A planning condition should be included, requiring the development to be built with sustainable materials.
  • No energy rating has been provided.
  • There is no evidence of sustainability and net zero design to meet Havering’s 2030 carbon neutral target.
  • Out of 35 properties, only 7 will be provided with Electric Car Charging points. All properties should be provided with EV charging points.
  • The application fails to recognise the November 2020 TPO plan, proposing the removal of T16, T17, T18, T19, T21, T22.
  • Street trees are proposed to be planted within the boundaries of the new development. This provides no security for their retention or mitigation against the loss of trees proposed elsewhere on the site.
  • The density and visual impact of the development is not in keeping with the open aspect of Hall Lane housing.
  • The application represents overdevelopment, offering insufficient amenity space for each space appears insufficient for the number of bedrooms.

The call-in means that should the application be recommended for approval by the council’s Planning Department, it would automatically go before one of the planning committees for a decision to be made. Should the Planning Department recommend refusal of the application, then this would potentially be refused without going before a planning committee, under delegated powers.

We will keep you updated of further developments.

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