New Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order application

On 31 October 2022, National Highways submitted a new Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order (DCO) application to the Planning Inspectorate.

The Planning Inspectorate will now view the application to decide whether the application itself is acceptable to be taken forward to the next stage of the planning process.

Highways England (as it was then called) submitted a similar application two years ago, only to withdraw it when the Planning Inspectorate indicated that it was unlikely to be acceptable without additional work.

With the new application, the Planning Inspectorate have until 28 November 2022 to review the application and decide whether or not to accept it.

There is no opportunity at this stage to make comments on the application. However, if the application is accepted people will be able to register their views during the next stage of the process.

For further details see the National Highways LTC website and the National Infrastructure Planning website.

We will share any new information we receive on the application on this website and in the Bulletin.



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