New Pedestrian Refuge in Corbets Tey Village

I  am pleased to report that a pedestrian refuge will be installed in Ockendon Road, Corbets Tey Village, between the shops and the junction of Sunnings Lane. I have been pushing for this as this is a vey busy road and residents of Sunnings Lane need to cross it to visit their local shops. With the help of the Corbets Tey Regeneration Group, of which I  am secretary, several improvements are being considered to the village,  we will keep residents informed.
Cllr Linda Hawthorn
1 Comment
  1. Can you try for one on Ockendon Road by the Old White Horse Pub and Fen Lane, you take your life in your hands crossing there. I especially feel sorry for the people who take relatives out from Ladyville Lodge and Upminster Nursing Home

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