Ockendon Road closure update

With reference to our recent post on the forthcoming temporary closure of part of Ockendon Road in North Ockendon, Cllr Oscar Ford has provided the following information in response to questions regarding the timing and bus service provision.

The Ward councillors have been in communication with both the Council and the company on the proposed road closures. Councils are bound within law to give access to companies to undertake highway utility works. If it is not one of the main utility companies they have to get a licence from the utility company to undertake the works.

The role of the council is to ensure the correct signage and traffic management measures are put in place and the agreement on the timeframe; the council does seek to negotiate reductions in closures in the best interest of residents.

It is the utility company or their contractors that have the responsibility to negotiate bus service alterations and it is the case that Transport for London (TFL) are not always accommodating in providing alternative options, other than stopping a service to a large part of the Ward.

Local councillors have taken up the matter with the Council’s Highways Department, copied to senior management, to ascertain what more, if anything, could or should have been done, or indeed what can be done now to improve matters.

In the meantime, the contractor has provided contact numbers and residents affected by the closure are advised to contact them direct on 07833 575 754 or 01785 330 625.

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