Planning application near to Acacia Gardens refused

With reference to our previous post concerning a planning application for the Erection of a Voltage Management System with associated ancillary infrastructure, access, landscaping and boundary treatments on land to the east of Acacia Gardens and Fairholme Gardens in Cranham, Havering Council’s Planning Department have confirmed that the application has been refused.

The reasons given include that the proposal would not meet the very special circumstances for development of the Metropolitan Green Belt and that the proposal would have a harmful impact on the character and appearance of the green belt and be visually intrusive.

Further details, including the full reasons for refusal, can be found on the Havering Council Planning webpages (P0721.24) .


  1. In making this decision the Local Planning Authority has clearly stated their policy in respect of not building on Green Belt and their commitment to adhering to NPPF Guidelines.

    Can our elected Ward Councillors, therefore, now confirm that the same criteria and requirements must be applied to the far larger proposed East Havering Data Centre development and the planned Clearstone Energy Battery Facility at St. Mary’s Lane.

    If not, why not?

    These are also on Metropolitan Green Belt and completely devoid of any ‘Very Special Circumstances’, so should be cancelled immediately to safeguard and protect your residents, the Green Belt and the local environment.

    HRA Pledge: “We will protect valued Green Spaces and Green Belt using our Local Plan”

    We look forward to your full response.

    Best Regards
    North Ockendon Residents Assoc.

  2. You cannot keep eating away at our green belt at the same time you’ve called a climate emergency. Hypocrisy at its finest!

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