Proposed ‘Controlled Parking Zone’ for Upminster and Cranham
It has already been highlighted that at February’s Council Budget Meeting that the Conservatives who currently control the Council voted to take away the 30 minute free parking period from Hornchurch and Upminster Car Parks and increase other car parking charges substantially. Your local Residents Association Councillors (and most other non-Conservative members) voted against this.
However, at the same meeting the Conservatives also voted to impose ten residents and visitors parking parking permit areas, known as Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ). One of these zones is proposed to cover parts of Cranham and Upminster up to 1km from the station.
What will this mean to local residents?
*To be able to park your car in your road you will need to purchase a parking permit each year. The costs of permits are currently £35 for the first vehicle, £60 for the second and £85 for any further vehicles.
*If you are inside a CPZ area and wish to enable any visitors to park, you will also need to purchase Visitor’s Parking Permits, which currently cost £13 for a book of ten 4- hour permits.
*Local businesses will be able to purchase business vehicle permits at a higher rate.
*Having a parking permit will NOT guarantee you a parking place near your home.
The Conservatives say this will deter commuters from parking near to railway stations. However, as we know, there are already a wide range of roads around Upminster Station that have parking restrictions in place.
A consultation exercise is due to take place in the future, but it has been made clear to councillors that this will NOT mean that they can prevent a CPZ zone being introduced.
Your Residents’ Association councillors are naturally sceptical that the real reason for introducing CPZs in so many areas has more to do with raising extra money for the council rather than reducing parking problems. We will continue to monitor the proposal for Upminster and Cranham and highlight any concerns raised by residents and businesses.
I have found the 30 min free parking vrey useful when I need one or two things from my local shops in Cranham and Upminster and Hornchurch.With the loss of the 30 min free parking I shall not be shopping for small items in my local district.The tory council is being extremely shortsighted about the effect on our small local shops which will be detrimental. The Tory Council seem to have missed the national exposure on the decline of the High Street.
You want to try living in one of these roads where every time West Ham or any significant event takes place your road becomes a car park for out of town people to tight to pay parking so dump their car wherever they can. Bring it on I say
It’s policies like this that put me off voting for you. We need this…
Dear Mr Lyons,
If the majority of people in any area where a CPZ is proposed show that they want it introduced then we will of course support their choice. However, the last time one was proposed in the Upminster Area the residents were heavily against it and we would oppose any such future introduction if it is against the will of the majority.
Kind regards
Cllr John Tyler