The Arts Society Havering

The Arts Society Havering is a member of The Arts Society (Previously the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies). They are a friendly group, who meet every second Tuesday in the month from September to June.

They have two forthcoming events at the New Windmill Hall, St Mary’s Lane, Upminster RM14 2QH and would like both old and new visitors to join them.

Tuesday 13 June 2023 10.30 am – Entertaining Angels Unaware-Angels in the Bible, Music and Art. Talk by Patrick Craig (Cost is £8)

Angels don’t speak, they sing. And they have inspired much wonderful music. Patrick will investigate their roles as guardians, messengers and fighters through imaginative music by Britten, Elgar and Mendelssohn. Angelic words also feature in regularly repeated liturgical texts that Patrick sings daily in St Paul’s Cathedral, such as the Sanctus and Te Deum.
Patrick Craig is a Vicar Choral at St Paul’s Cathedral. For twenty years he combined this with an international career singing over a thousand concerts with the world-renowned early music consort The Tallis Scholars.

Tuesday 25 July 2023. 10.00am for a 10.30am start (Event ends 3pm) – Study day on the Art of Needlework with Susan Kay-Williams (Cost is £35 including light lunch and refreshments)

  • Lecture 1: Tapestry: the ultimate wall decoration
  • Lecture 2: Every colour under the sun
  • Lecture 3: History of Embroidery

For further details visit The Arts Society Havering website or e-mail .

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