Upminster Mini Golf – Proposed disposal of the site

Upminster and Cranham Residents’ Association’s (UCRA) councillors have received notification of the proposed disposal of the land at Hall Lane Mini Golf course. The report will be going to Havering Council’s Cabinet on 16 September 2020.

Consent to dispose of the land is the next stage in the Council Administration’s process to build houses on the site. This follows July’s decision by the Strategic Planning Committee to grant outline planning permission to build 37 houses.

The link below will take you to the the council web page where the report will be published, although as of the date of this post (21 August 2020), it is showing ‘Document to follow’ – Disposal of land at Hall Lane Pitch and Putt.

If permissible, it is likely that UCRA councillors will call in the decision to go before the Overview & Scrutiny Board. We will update you further as we go forward.

  1. Is there a body or group of people trying to stop this? Can you please give me details if there is someone please.
    Please note that today’s Mail on Sunday has a report on ‘Save OUR Parks’ where the Communities Secretary and the Prime minister is in favour of this as well as the Mayor of London. Has a lawyer gone over the covenant and was it to the people of Upminster or Havering (which was not in place at the time).

  2. Dear Angus,

    The Upminster and Cranham Residents’ Association, together with local residents, have been fighting these proposals since they were first put forward in early 2019. This has included obtaining professional advice on the matter and asking the relevant Secretary of State to intervene, which he declined.

    Please see the previous posts on our website for further details.

    Cllr John Tyler

  3. Why can we not change this to a park ? Or part time park and part time mini golf ?

    It is one of the most beautiful spots in London

    How can council grant to change it to housing development when people are not allowed to cut down a tree in their own back garden because it’s protected ?

    What about all the brown and disused sites all around ?? Why not use that instead

    This is really terrible

    Something has to be done. Why not go online and form a website against it ? In addition UCRA

    Also approach news papers and news agency and environmental groups and societies? Schools , social media, library, big campaign.

    Something has to be done to stop this nonsense

    • Dear Karam,

      We have done many of the things you have suggested over the last year and a half and have pursued every avenue open to us. Unfortunately, the current Administration have not listened to the UCRA or the many hundreds of objectors to this decision. Outline planning permission has now been granted to develop the site and the council have given themselves approval to dispose of (sell) it.

      Cllr John Tyler

  4. Can it not be purchased by the community who owns the land please

    • Dear Kim,

      That would be a great idea but unfortunately the amount of money that it would cost to purchase it, is outside of anything that could be raised in the community. The landowners are Havering Council.

      Cllr John Tyler

  5. Thanks John

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